My Nursing Philosophy
Nursing is truly understanding what it means to be the most compassionate nurse as possible. Nursing is the relationship between a nurse and a patient. It is about showing you care about your patients by helping them in ways no one else can. Nurses partake on an emotional journey with each patient that others would not understand. A nurse is the one who hands a mother her new born child and holds an elderly patients hand in their last moments. Nursing is knowing that you made a different in someone’s life. It is about learning the ways you can better yourself and others. Nursing means I can wear scrubs every day. Nursing is having the ability to say I worked hard for my degree in school and to get my job because it is a challenging profession. Being a nurse is about appreciating life and what I have because I will see a lot of people who will fall apart. Nursing opens up many more opportunities than one could ever imagine in a job. Nursing is giving the perfect quality of a care to a patient, the same kind of care you would want if you were the patient.